Baby Boomers Get Connected with Social Media - eMarketer
Can you imagine that your parents have more of a presence on FACEBOOK than the Boomers do? Hard to believe from this study by eMarketer but possible. They probably have a little more time and those that are computer savvy, the interest. Different generations interact in different social media as this study shows but importantly all are on the web interacting like crazy so the maturing of social networks online has happened and come of age.
Right now I manage at least 3 social nets: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, altho the latter is somewhat less interesting because frankly I don't need to share that I am having a cup of decaf, dark cherry mocha, 1% with whipped cream. I do need the connection to friends and family that Facebook affords and the professional connections that LinkedIn provides but don't check them daily. I do however check my email daily and have more than one email address to check in order of priority. The internet takes up our lives and consciouness with all this communication and sometimes it is efficient but frankly most times it is overload. I am a member of numerous at least 12 professional network groups thru LinkedIn and can tap into those at any time for update, insights and job opps.
I recently posted a family photo site on Shutterfly the Family site having gathered a bunch of photos from all 8 siblings, their children and children's children for my Mom's 84th B'Day photobook gift. I guess you could call that a social net but really it is a photosharing site. All the internet majors are offering this feature to keep their site "sticky" and keep the eyeballs coming back but frankly who beyond your family and very best friends really cares about your photos??
So social networks have their value and will increasingly grow and the market will shake itself out in the majors much like Myspace had to recognize Facebook's dominance and become a content platform. So Boomers like me and probably you if you are reading this might enjoy the eMarketer study above to see how you stack up against the other generations in your social media use. With technology in our hands 24/7 and communication ubiquitous we can't get away from social nets and we will continue to put more time into growing and using them for all the reasons they make sense. Go network Boomers!!